2.2. User API

API endpoints related to a user.

2.2.1. Automated edit counter

GET /api/user/automated_editcount/{project}/{username}/{namespace}/{start}/{end}/{offset}/{tools}

Get the number of (semi-)automated edits made by the given user in the given namespace and date range. You can optionally pass in ?tools=1 to get individual counts of each (semi-)automated tool that was used.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • username (required) - Account’s username.
  • namespace - Namespace ID or all for all namespaces.
  • start - Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave this and end blank to retrieve the most recent data.
  • end - End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave this and start blank to retrieve the most recent data.
  • tools - Set to any non-blank value to include the tools that were used and thier counts.


Get the number of (semi-)automated edits made by Jimbo Wales on the English Wikipedia.

Get a list of the known (semi-)automated tools used by Jimbo Wales in the mainspace on the English Wikipedia, and how many times they were used.

2.2.2. Non-automated edits

GET /api/user/nonautomated_edits/{project}/{username}/{namespace}/{start}/{end}/{offset}

Get non-automated contributions for the given user, namespace and date range.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • username (required) - Account’s username.
  • namespace (required) - Namespace ID or all for all namespaces.
  • start - Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave this and end blank to retrieve the most recent contributions.
  • end - End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Leave this and start blank to retrieve the most recent contributions.
  • offset - Number of edits from the start date.


Get the newest non-automated mainspace contributions made by Jimbo Wales on the English Wikipedia.

2.2.3. Edit summaries

GET /api/user/edit_summeries/{project}/{username}/{namespace}

Get statistics about a user’s usage of edit summaries.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • username (required) - Account’s username.
  • namespace - Namespace ID or all for all namespaces.


Get Jimbo Wales’s edit summary statistics on the English Wikipedia.

2.2.4. Top edits

GET /api/user/top_edits/{project}/{username}/{namespace}/{article}

Get the top-edited pages by a user, or get all edits made by a user to a specific page.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • username (required) - Account’s username.
  • namespace - Namespace ID or all for all namespaces. Defaults to the mainspace. Leave this blank if you are also supplying a full page title as the article.
  • article - Full page title if namespace is omitted. If namespace is blank, do not include the namespace in the page title.


Get the top edits made by Jimbo Wales in the mainspace.

Get the top edits made by Jimbo Wales in the userspace.

Get the top edits made by Jimbo Wales to the page Talk:Naveen Jain.