2.1. Project API

API endpoints related to a project.

2.1.1. Normalize project

GET /api/project/normalize/{project}

Get the URL, database name, domain and API path of a given project.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Basic access information about the English Wikipedia.

2.1.2. Namespaces

GET /api/project/namespaces/{project}

Get the localized names for each namespace of the given project. The API endpoint for the project is also returned.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get the namespace IDs and names of the German Wikipedia.

2.1.3. Page assessments

GET /api/project/assessments/{project}

Get page assessment metadata for the given project. This includes all the different quality classifications and importance levels, along with their associated colours and badges.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get page assessments metadata for the English Wikipedia.

2.1.4. Page assessments configuration

GET /api/project/assessments

Get a list of wikis that support page assessments, and the configuration for each. This includes all the different quality classifications and importance levels, along with their associated colours and badges.


Get the XTools Page Assessments configuration:

2.1.5. Admins and user groups

GET /api/project/admins_groups/{project}

Get a list of users who are admins, bureaucrats, CheckUsers, Oversighters, or stewards of the project and list which of these user groups they belong to.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get administrative users of the French Wikipedia:

2.1.6. Admin statistics

GET /api/project/adminstats/{project}/{days}

Get users of the project that are capable of making ‘admin actions’, along with various stats about the actions they took. Time period is limited to one month.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • days - Number of days before present to fetch data for (default 30, maximum 30).


Get various statistics about actions taken by admins of the French Wikipedia over the past week: