2.3.1. Project API

API endpoints related to a project. Normalize project

GET /api/project/normalize/{project}

Get the URL, database name, domain and API path of a given project.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Basic access information about the English Wikipedia. Namespaces

GET /api/project/namespaces/{project}

Get the localized names for each namespace of the given project. The API endpoint for the project is also returned.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get the namespace IDs and names of the German Wikipedia. Page assessments

GET /api/project/assessments/{project}

Get page assessment metadata for the given project. This includes all the different quality classifications and importance levels, along with their associated colours and badges.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get page assessments metadata for the English Wikipedia. Page assessments configuration

GET /api/project/assessments

Get a list of wikis that support page assessments, and the configuration for each. This includes all the different quality classifications and importance levels, along with their associated colours and badges.


Get the XTools Page Assessments configuration: Automated tools

GET /api/project/automated_tools/{project}

Get a list of the known (semi-)automated tools used on the given project.

Response format:

For each tool, the some or all of the following data is provided:

  • tag: A tag that identifies edits made using the tool.
  • regex: Regular expression that can be used against edit summaries to test if the tool was used.
  • link: Path to the tool’s documentation.
  • label: Translation of the tool’s name, if applicable and available.
  • revert: Whether or not the tool is exclusively used for reverting edits.
  • namespaces: Which namespaces the tool is used in.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get all the known semi-automated tools used on the English Wikipedia. Admins and user groups

See also

The MediaWiki Allusers API.

GET /api/project/admins_groups/{project}

Get a list of users who are capable of making admin-like actions, and the relevant user groups they are in.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get administrative users of the French Wikipedia: Admin statistics

GET /api/project/admin_stats/{project}/{start}/{end}

Get users of the project that are capable of making ‘admin actions’, along with counts of the actions they took. Time period is limited to one month.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • start - Start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to 31 days before end.
  • end - End date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Defaults to current day (UTC).

The date range defaults to the past 31 days, and is limited to a 31-day period. If you need a wider range of data, you must make the the individual requests (synchronously), and do the math in your application.

Query string parameters:

Optional query string parameters to further filter results.

  • actions - A pipe-separated list of ‘actions’ you want to query for. Defaults to all available actions. Query only for the actions you care about to get faster results. Available actions include:

    • delete
    • revision-delete
    • log-delete
    • restore
    • re-block
    • unblock
    • re-protect
    • unprotect
    • rights
    • merge
    • import
    • abusefilter

If you are interested in exactly which permissions are used in the queries, please review the YAML configuration.


Get ‘re-block’ and ‘abusefilter’ statistics for every active admin on the French Wikipedia:

Get statistics about all relevant actions taken by Spanish Wikipedia admins in January 2019: Patroller statistics

GET /api/project/patroller_stats/{project}/{start}/{end}

Same as Admin statistics, except with these actions:

  • patrol
  • page-curation
  • pc-accept
  • pc-reject


Get ‘patrol’ and ‘page-curation’ statistics for relevant users on the English Wikipedia over the 31 days: Stewards statistics

GET /api/project/steward_stats/{project}/{start}/{end}

Same as Admin statistics, except with these actions:

  • global-account-un-lock (global locks and unlocks)
  • global-block
  • global-unblock
  • global-rename
  • global-rights
  • wiki-set-change


Get statistics on stewards who have made global blocks and rights changes in January 2019: