8.1. Project API

API endpoints related to a project.

8.1.1. Normalize project

GET /api/project/normalize/{project}

Get the URL, database name, domain and API path of a given project.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Basic access information about the English Wikipedia.

8.1.2. Namespaces

GET /api/project/namespaces/{project}

Get the localized names for each namespace of the given project. The API endpoint for the project is also returned.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get the namespace IDs and names of the German Wikipedia.

8.1.3. Admins and user groups

GET /api/project/admins_groups/{project}

Get a list of users who are admins, bureaucrats, CheckUsers, Oversighters, or stewards of the project and list which of these user groups they belong to.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.


Get administrative users of the French Wikipedia:

8.1.4. Admin statistics

GET /api/project/adminstats/{project}/{days}

Get users of the project that are capable of making ‘admin actions’, along with various stats about the actions they took. Time period is limited to one month.


  • project (required) - Project domain or database name.
  • days - Number of days before present to fetch data for (default 30, maximum 30).


Get various statistics about actions taken by admins of the French Wikipedia over the past week: